I'm blogging about France again - and telling my story with photos.
This is St.Paul - a timeworn city belonging to the distant past.
It's primitive buildings and cobbled streets are surrounded by
a buttress of stone wall. Firmly fastened to this hill, it looks out
over a panoramic valley of rolling, green vista. It was here, that
I watched my very first game of boules - the French are
passionate about it ! I will tell you about my day with photos.
I happened to take this woman's photo as she was boarding
a bus. A most unique hairstyle - reminds me of some sort
of exotic animal - and the coat helps with that impression.
Wonder if it's real or faux fur ?
Want to see her again - here she is.
Honestly - she creeped me out a bit. My imagination is running wild
now - the stripy, wild animal hair and fur coat. Maybe she eats people.
Most likely she's an artist. This area is a haven for them. All I know
is my Grandmother never looked like this ! Maybe she's an alien...
When I first saw these trees in the town's Market Square, I thought they
had been wrapped in some sort of camouflage fabric or netting. At closer
inspection I saw it was the bark ! They're called "plane" trees.
A very pregnant Mother cat peering at a frustrated little boy
who was attempting to fixing his bike at the bottom of the stairwell.
A clever artist has created and perched this little iron bug
sculpture in a niche, right next to his front door - "13 Rue Lacoste"
Are these not the oldest doors you've ever seen? Impressive.
Yes - I get very excited over doors - I'm a bit mad that way.
I loved this metal man sculpture, staring forever into infinity.
I was compelled to look up into the sky myself .
One very lucky horse !
As I walked down the hill towards a coffee shop, I came across
two serious games of boules. It looked like great fun and I wanted
to join in - but I stuck to observing and taking photos and getting
in their way - while I was taking photos. The French love boules !!
Much like I love playing pinochle.
Pensively posed and studying the opponents moves - very serious stuff.
What a lovely way to spend a sunny afternoon.
I was watching the lady, the one in the photo above - playing
boules wearing heels when I suddenly saw this fellow. He was
wearing a bright red beret and had a face so full of character,
I could not stop taking his picture - I was smitten with him.
He was marvelous !
Now how many guys can carry this off, wearing a red beret and
a hunter green, quilted coat ? I do believe he was American.
I was trying not to get in his way or annoy him but at the
same time I so wanted to frame his hands in the picture.
Almost - not quite.
He looks like a Rembrandt painting here - simply wonderful !
Arriving back to Nice - just in time to watch the sun set on the
azure sea. I loved this day !
"The game of boules, otherwise known as pétanque , is perhaps
the sport that is closest to French hearts. Similar to British lawn
bowling or Italian bocce , the French version is traditionally played
with metallic balls on a dirt surface beneath plane trees, with a glass
of pastis at hand. The local boulodrome is a social focal point in
southern France." - quote taken from Discover France website -